Jeep Wagoneer – "Drove All Night"
Sky replacements in most outdoor scenes. Created night-vision screen with animal from various stock elements and green screen footage. Added content in television. Tracking and roto plus general cleanup.

SC Johnson Drano – "Drainheart"
Shot in Transylvania at the castle of Vlad the Impaler. Added smoke and fog for more atmosphere. Because of the historical nature of the building, the army could not actually ram the door, so animated the door to shake and crack with each "hit" from the battering ram. Other clean-up on the face of the building to remove some of the scaffolding.
FCA Alfa Romeo – "You Do Not Need This Car"
...and here is the final spot with the cleaned up opening shot.
FCA Alfa Romeo – "You Do Not Need This Car"
Clean up – Road construction fencing and crane tower had to be removed from the scene. This is the process video...

Michelob Ultra – "I Like Beer"
High profile spot for Anheuser Busch with actor Chris Pratt and well-known athletes. Added, redirected, and enhanced golf balls on the driving range, as well as other general clean-up.

Kmart – "Ship My Trousers"
Created ghostly effects for Marley's Ghost and the Ghost of Christmas Past, as well as other clean-up and composite work.

Allergan Vuity – "Wait What"
Removed actor passing through frame behind finger-swiping-tablet scene, plus screen replacement. Replaced actor's mouth as she is sitting down (she was saying an alternate line in the take that was chosen). General clean-up.

Cox Panoramic Wifi – "Difficulty"- Facebook social
Built entirely from stock images and footage. This one was especially fun to work on, finding the right elements to add so that every piece felt attached to the other.

FCA Fiat – "Room With A View"
Shot on a cloudy rainy day...

FCA Fiat – "Room With A View"
...removed the rain from the scene and replaced the sky.

Kmart Joe Boxer – "Jingle Balls"
Table was on rails for smooth slide out. Recreated floor and shadows. Replaced spokesman's head in final scene but kept the rest of the scene as shot.